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Some cats urine spray because they are feeling anxious. In these cases you will need to do some extra things to make areas inappropriate for urinating unattractive to the cat, but also make the litter tray as attractive and as accessible as possible:

  • Clean the soiled area to eliminate smells of previous urination with cleaners such as the laundry powder, Bio Zet (Kao Australia Marketing) and neutralise, rather than mask, the smell with a product such as Bac to Nature (NutriPet). When possible, clean with 90% alcohol prior to Bac to Nature to further reduce odour. Avoid bleach and ammonia.

  • Confine the cat to a small area that has previously not been sprayed in. Gradually allow access to more of the house once spraying diminishes.

  • Change the significance of the soiled areas by placing items such as food (superglue some dry cat food to a paper plate and place on that spot), toys, double-sided sticky tape, lemon-scented soap, citrus peels, mothballs, or Snappy Trainers (Innovative Pet Products).

  • Cover the area with a thick plastic or plastic hall runners or place the cat's bedding in that area or simply denying access to certain areas until the cat is reliably urinating appropriately.

  • Place a litter tray in the area the cat prefers and then gradually move it to the area you consider acceptable. Spraying a pheromone spray on all soiled areas daily for 30 days may help.

  • Spray the cat with a water pistol ONLY if caught in the act of urine spraying.

  • Provide one litter tray per cat and an extra one in another area, so there is no competition for litter trays.

  • Clean the tray at least once daily with warm soapy water and preferably every time it is used.

  • Vary the type of litter or add an empty litter tray, as cats have substrate and/or privacy preferences.

  • Modification to the tray itself can also be useful, for example, providing a covered tray for more privacy or a tray with a cut down side for an arthritic cat for easier access.

  • Spend 10 to 15 minutes per day at a set time, playing, grooming and otherwise interacting with the cat on its own.

  • Grow an indoor garden of safe plants such as catmint or catnip for the cat to use

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