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Desexing Your Pet

The number of puppies and kittens born each year is significantly greater than the number of good homes available for them. The result of this is thousands of healthy and unwanted animals destroyed or left to fend for themselves. 

Having your dog or cat de-sexed not only helps reduce the number of unwanted puppies and kittens but is a safe and practical way to prevent behavioural problems and many diseases and conditions associated with dogs and cats who are not de-sexed.

What does de-sexing involve?

Castration of males and spaying of females is performed under general anaesthetic by our veterinarian. Your pet will be required to be fasted overnight to prevent any problems during the surgery. Castration of a male involves a cut into the scrotum of the dog or cat to take out the testicles. Spaying involves a single cut into the belly of the female to remove the ovaries and uterus. Once the anaesthetic has worn off, and provided there were no complications, your pet should be ready to go home in the afternoon.

Benefits of De-sexing



  • Spaying stops the bleeding that occurs during the heat cycle and behavioural changes such as wandering
    when in season.


  • Reduces the risk of mammary cancer

  • Prevents false pregnancies and infections of the uterus



  • Helps prevent antisocial behaviours associated with sexual
    maturity e.g. aggressive behaviour, wandering for a mate,
    sexual behaviour such as mounting of animals and people.


  • Reduces risks of developing prostate and testicular diseases.

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