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Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)

FLUTD refers to a range of disorders that lead to difficulty in urinating. Failure to urinate or passing little urine can be a sign of a urethral blockage.

Urinary blockages can be fatal and are a veterinary emergency.

Risk factors include genetics, stress, environmental changes, multi-cat households, body condition (overweight), nutrition, old age, breed, gender.

FLUTD is most common in overweight cats, over four years of age.

Signs of FLUTD include increased drinking and urination, blood in urine, straining to urinate, painful urination (crying when urinating), urinating in irregular location (e.g. out of the litter box), excessive licking of genitals.

The most common causes of FLUTD are bladder infection, bladder crystals, stones or plugs, cancer, trauma, and incontinence.

Diagnosis of FLUTD involves a veterinary consultation and urinalysis, as well as possible blood work, radiographs, or ultrasound to determine the cause.

Management of FLUTD involves identifying and removing stress factors, dietary management (prescription diet to control urine pH and minimise or dissolve crystals), increase water intake, pain management, surgical removal of crystals/stones in severe cases, some cats may require a urinary catheter to be placed if they have a urethral blockage

If a cat experiences a urethral blockage, they may require an anaesthetic and surgery for a urinary catheter to be placed.

Some cats can experience frequent recurrences of FLUTD and will require a long-term monitoring.

If you are concerned that your cat is suffering from FLUTD, please call us as soon as possible on 02 4925 2999.

For more information on FLUTD:


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