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Cooks Hill Veterinary Clinic: Monthly Post

A dedication to Hunter Animal Rescue, and some of the kittens we have treated

Instead of one hero of the month, we would like to reflect back to some of the rescue kittens that we have treated in conjunction with Hunter Animal Rescue.

We work with Hunter Animal Rescue to help microchip, vaccinate, and desex kittens/cats, and puppies/dogs so that they can be rehomed.

During the month of January 2021, we treated nine Hunter Animal Rescue cats/kittens.

Pictured are some of the recent Hunter Animal Rescue kittens who were desexed at our Clinic.

About Hunter Animal Rescue:

Hunter Animal Rescue (HAR) is a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers who dedicate their time to finding new homes for abandoned pets.

They rehome over seven hundred animals a year, these are animals rescued from pounds and shelters across the Hunter.

They advocate mandatory de-sexing to help combat the problem of overpopulation of companion animals.

They currently have over fifty cats/kittens and six puppies/dogs listed on their website for adoption.

For more information, you can visit:


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